About ICSP
The Institute of
Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan was
constituted to develop and regulate the
profession of company secretaries in Pakistan.
In early 1974 a number of prominent
professionals stressed the need of forming an
Institute for the profession of company
secretaries. The Institute was formed under the
Companies Act, 1913 as a company Limited by
Guarantee. Since then, the Institute of
Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan is functioning
regularly for the professing of company
secretaries. At present the Institute of
Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan has about 700
associate members and more than 250 fellow
members. The affairs of the Institute of
Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan are managed
professionally by a National Council. The
Corporate Law Authority (now Securities &
Exchange Commission of Pakistan) has felt the
importance of the profession of company
secretaries to create a corporate culture in the
country. As a matter of fact a good corporate
culture can be develop only through institutions
not by the enforcement of corporate law.
Therefore it is principally decided by the
Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan to
convert the Institute of Corporate Secretaries
of Pakistan in a statutory body. The statute for
the same is under final stage of approval. It is
expected that it will be enforced in near
future. The Institute has its main office at
Institute of Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan (ICSP)
was incorporated on November 22, 1973 as a
company limited by guarantee, under the then
Companies Act 1913 – later substituted by the
Companies Ordinance, 1984. ICSP is the
professional body of corporate secretaries which
is imparting professional education and prudence
in the areas of secretarial practices, corporate
governance, corporate and business laws,
accounting, administration, management, human
resource and business ethics. Corporate
secretaries have caliber to chart a course of
action or take decisions in accordance with
regulations, legislations, precedents,
traditions, best practices and to see the
operation moving effectively/efficiently.
Mission And Vision of
Mission of ICSP
is to examine, groom and promote high quality
corporate secretaries and professionals in the
corporate sector who are able to meet the
demands of present era and futuristic challenges
to the profession.
Vision of ICSP
is promotion of corporate culture in Pakistan
for good governance, as envisaged in the
civilized world, through professional
excellence, in the field of corporate laws and
secretarial practices.
Objectives Of ICSP
Institute has the following main objectives to
fulfill the needs of the corporate sector:
To provide a professional organization of
qualified corporate secretaries and
administrators in Pakistan and generally to do
all such things as may, from time to time, be
necessary to elevate their status and procure
advancement of the interests of the professions.
To provide knowledge in company secretarial
practices, administrations and issuance of
To provide and foster in, commercial circles,
accounting and industrial professions, academic
institutions a higher sense of importance of
knowledge of systematic, correct secretarial and
administrative practices and to encourage a
greater degree of efficiency in such work.
To provide opportunities for interaction amongst
members to encourage reading and maintenance of
library for the acquisition and dissemination by
other means of useful information connected with
the profession, encourage improved methods of
administrative practices and,
To monitor, promote and synchronize the mutual
interests of its members.
ICSP has a library which is available to members
and students, for reference and study purpose
only, during normal office hours. Copies of
informative magazines including official journal
of the Institute are available in the library.
“The Corporate Secretary” is the official
journal of the Institute and is sent to all
members. It has a proactive role in updating the
readers on the professional subjects that are of
value to students as well as members.