General Rules
Exemption Scheme of ICSP
is continually kept under review and is
determined by the Council of the Institute.
Exemption from certain
subjects of the examination may be granted
at the discretion of the Council to members
of certain professional bodies, holder of
university degrees and degrees of the
Council for National Academic Awards. As
such candidates/students are to keep
themselves updated by referring to the
Students Guide and notification issued in
this regard and available on ICSP website.
Candidates who have
unsuccessfully attempted a subject of the
Institute’s examination will not normally be
allowed exemption from the relevant subject.
Exemptions are not
permitted in respect of incomplete
Details of exemptions
allowed to holders of various academic
degrees and professional qualifications may
be obtained from the Institute.
Students who have passed bachelor or post
graduate examination from recognized reputable
universities/institute (s) in business
administration, law, economics, accounting,
commerce, finance, banking, marketing, public
administration and other related subjects and
have obtained at least 55% marks or equivalent
thereof in the specified subjects may be granted
exemptions from the respective papers of the
course. Details may be obtained from the
Successful completion of the examinations for
membership of the following International and
National Professional Bodies will normally be
accepted for several exemptions on subject to
subject basis. Details may be obtained from the
office of the Institute:
The Institute of
Chartered Accountants, England and Wales,
Pakistan and India.
The Chartered Association
of Certified Accountants, U.K.
The Institute of
Chartered Management Accountants, U.K.
The Institute of Cost and
Management Accountants of Pakistan.
The Institute of Cost and
Works Accountants of India.
The Institute of
Chartered Secretaries and Administrators,
The Institute of Company
Secretaries of India.
The Chartered Institute
of Public Finances and Accountancy, U.K.
The Pakistan Institute of
Public Finance Accountants.
The Institute of Bankers
in U.K., Pakistan and India.
The Institute of
Financial Consultants, Canada.
The Association of
International Accountants, U.K.
The Certified Institute
of Internal Auditors, U.S.A.
All candidates seeking
exemption must apply to the Institute on the
prescribed Exemption Form along with the
requisite fee and acceptable supporting
documents/certificates, details of which are
mentioned on the Form available from office
of the Institute.
Exemptions should be
obtained at the time of registration with
the Institute for appearing at the
Decisions in respects of
most qualification can often be given within
four weeks of application. However,
decisions on qualifications, which have not
previously been considered, may take
reasonable time on case to case basis.
Students who have been
granted exemption are advised to undertake
background reading in respect of exempted
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