The Institute of Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan 

The Institute of Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan


Policies, Syllabus, ID Card, Prospectus and all forms.

          Admission Policy and Procedure            Examination Form               ID Card
          Student Registration Form                      Exemption Form                  Prospectus
          List of Books                                          Membership Form               List of Members 



In recognition of our dedicated, unblemished, services in corporate sector Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan was pleased to induct ICSP as one of the Founder.




ICSP is a Founder Member of International Federation of Company Secretaries (IFCS) with head quarter at New Delhi, India. Its other prominent members are Bangladesh, Kenya and India having a very large membership. The core objectives of the Federation include are:



  • To represent the profession of company secretaries at World Trade Organization, international and multi-lateral flora.


  • To facilitate research, mutual exchange of information, publication, evaluation of existing laws, regulations and code of ethics applicable to company secretaries




    International Federation of Company Secretaries (IFCS) 3rd Meeting