The Institute of Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan 

The Institute of Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan


Policies, Syllabus, ID Card, Prospectus and all forms.

          Admission Policy and Procedure            Examination Form               ID Card
          Student Registration Form                      Exemption Form                  Prospectus
          List of Books                                          Membership Form               List of Members 

International Achievements




National Recognition


  1.  ICSP is recognized throughout the country. Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan, having affiliation with International Federation of Accountants, has been recognizing the qualification of ICSP and is granting exemptions to the members of ICSP in different papers.

  2. The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan vide SRO No. 264(I)/2003 dated March 17, 2003 has given due recognition to the qualification of the members of ICSP by prescribing them as professionally competent for a Company Secretary of listed or single member company.

  3. ICSP is also one of the Founder Members of Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance (PICG) established by the Government of Pakistan.


International Recognition

of the Institute has been recognized by the following International Professional Bodies by granting exemptions in different papers by them to the members of ICSP:-

  1. Institute of Financial Consultants (IFC) Canada.

  2. Association of International Accountants (AIA) London. 

  3. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) U.K.

  4. Certified Institute of Internal Auditors (CIIA) USA.