The Institute of Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan 

The Institute of Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan



Policies, Syllabus, ID Card, Prospectus and all forms.

          Admission Policy and Procedure            Examination Form               ID Card
          Student Registration Form                      Exemption Form                  Prospectus
          List of Books                                          Membership Form               List of Members 

Examination Guide




Only a registered student (who has cleared all his dues) can appear in examination held by the Institute biannually in January and July.




  1. Application to enter an examination must be made on prescribed form which may be obtained from office of the Institute.

  2. Examination Form duly completed and accompanied by appropriate fee must be received at office of the Institute by specified date. In case of any deficiency, it may be rejected.

  3. The closing date is the date by which an entry must be received at the Institute and not the date it is posted by the candidate.

  4. No change in a candidate’s entry will be accepted after the closing date for examination entire




Examinations are usually held in third week of January and July, each year. Dates of examinations are published regularly in the Institute’s magazine – The Corporate Secretary. Individual notification of the date, time and place of examination will be sent so as to reach candidates enrolled for the examination at least seven days before commencement of the examination, except for force majeure.



Examinations are normally held at the following centers at the discretion of the Council:-Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad.





It is emphasized that properly completed Examination Forms along with requisite fee and documents, if any, must be received by office of the Institute on or before the following closing dates for examination entries:


Examination held in                          

  January July
     Examination Entry      10th December      10th June
     Entry with Late Fee      20th December      20th June


Late or incomplete examination forms shall not be accepted under any circumstances. Applicants/students are, therefore, advised, in their own interest to adhere strictly to the above schedule.



The following Regulations shall apply to all the students appearing at the examination of the Institute:


  1. Prescribed Modules of the examination should be taken in correct sequence. In any event whole of group I, II at least must have been completed before any subject of group III may be attempted and whole of group I and II as minimum must have been completed before any subject of group IV is attempted.

  2. Two groups comprising a module of the examination may be attempted together or separately in either order.

  3. If, in one module of the examination, a student has exemption from one subject in each group, the remaining subject from each group will be joined to comprise a new group.

  4. A student, who has exemption from an odd number of subject may, on one occasion only, offer the remaining subject in the group as a single subject entry or he may attempt it with another group.

  5. A student who has an even number of exemptions from different groups of the examination must link the remaining subject into group.

  6. A student is not permitted to attempt more than two groups (four subjects) at one attempt.

  7. A student who passes both subjects of a group will be credited with those passes, irrespective of his performance in any other group or subject attempted on the same occasion.

  8. If a student fails to satisfy the examiners in either subject of a group (or does not attempt either subject) he will be required to pass both subjects of the group at a subsequent examination.

  9. While fundamental changes in the standard and format of question papers will be notified in advance, Council of the Institute reserves the right to vary the format of individual examination papers without notice about the number of question to be answered, the choice of questions. etc.

  10. The Council of the Institute reserves the right to alter any part of the examination scheme, including subjects, syllabuses, regulations and exemption, at any time. All fees, charges and subscriptions are also subject to change at the discretion of the Council. Notice of such changes will be given in the official journal of the Institute or by direct communication with student.



All examinees of the Institute are required to comply with the following instructions:


  1. On receipt of their Admit Card, the examinees are advised in their own interest to check the particulars entered therein. Inaccuracy, if any, must be brought immediately to the notice of the Institute.

  2. Examinees must possess and be ready to produce on demand their original computerized National Identity Card, Student Registration Card and Roll Number Slip issued by the Institute, failing which they may not be allowed to appear in the examination. Decision of the concerned invigilator shall be final in this regard.

  3. Examinees are required to comply with instructions issued to them before each examination sitting and in addition to instructions mentioned on the front page of the examination script.

  4. Examinees may use portable, self-powered, silent and non-programmable calculator in the examinations for any subject. When a calculator is used, the intermediate steps must be shown. The use of slide rules is also permitted. They are not permitted to retain any statute, ordinance, text book or any other printed or manuscript papers or notes during the examination. No examinee is allowed to communicate with, receive assistance from or attempt to copy from the script of any other examinee, nor he may consult or attempt to use any book, paper or note during the examination. A breach of any part of these regulations will be regarded as very serious matter and result in disqualification in respect of the current examination and possible suspension or termination of the student’s registration and exclusion from future examination of Institute, on the basis of report and findings in this regard.


  1. The Institute will notify each examinee of the result of the examination as soon as possible. In normal circumstances, notifications are dispatched within nine weeks after the conclusion of the examination.

  2. The Institute does not release mark sheet to the examinees. Results indicate a pass or fail with grades to indicate the extent of failure. Unsuccessful examinees are given an indication of their failure in individual subjects. Each module carries the same pass marks which the Institute does not release.

  3. The decision of the Institute, based on the examiners` recommendations, is final and the Institute will not enter into correspondence with examinees about the examination results.



Students who have successfully completed all the stages of the examination will receive a pass certificate. A pass certificate does not imply and must not be used to imply that the holder is a member or Licentiate of the Institute, nor just a completed examinee describe himself as a Corporate Secretary or ACIS or FCIS. Students are strongly advised to become Licentiate or member as the case may be, on passing of the examination and acquiring prescribed experience.



The Council encourages members to take courses and examination in subjects not previously studied and attempt as part of a program of post-qualifying education (PQE) which the Institute expects to develop in near future. A certificate will be issued of endorsed subjects.